Hi my name is Rachel O'Sullivan and I am a mum of 2 lively little boys and absolutely love working with babies and children.
Hailing from a background in IT holding a degree- BSC in Computer Science I worked in industry for 14 years. During this time I hurt my back while out horse riding and had to go for a course of massage treatments to relieve the muscle tension – this was my first experience of massage and much to my surprise it worked !
I felt the effects more or less immediately and decided that I would like to be able to help people in this way also so I decided to study Massage Therapy by night in the Fuschia College in Cork City.
I really loved the course. I began to appreciate very quickly the importance of looking after my body and the physical and emotional benefits I was experiencing through giving and receiving massage.
When I heard that an Infant Massage training course was coming to Cork, it really grabbed my attention. I realized massage for both parents and infants would be a dynamic combination. I completed the certificate course in Infant Massage with the International Association of Infant Massage.
After having my first little boy I decided to completely change my career to have a more balanced home/work life.
I went on to achieve:
- Baby Massage Certification with Baby Massage Ireland (BMI) Certified and Trainined by IAIM.
- Gentle Sleep Coach Certification - Trained by Kim West - The Sleep Lady USA
- Certification in Infant Mental Health ( Hospital for Sick Children Torronto)
- Birthlight Baby Yoga Teacher Training (UK)
- QQI Level 6 Child Development
- ITEC DIP Anatomy and Physology
- ITEC DIP Holistic Massage
- ITEC Dip Aromatherapy
- ITEC Dip Reflexology
- DIP Hot stone Massage
Working with babies and children has been a really rewarding experience so far.
As a mother of two young children, I have first hand experience of the highs and lows of early parenting, and it means a lot to me to be able to support and nurture others with babies and young children. That is why I have developed my classes to be a balance of baby massage/yoga and relaxation with an equal length of time given to the important business of coffee and chat!
If you require further information please feel free to contact me
I also run a class Leapfrogs - This is an active play class incorporating gymnastics for children in preschools in Cork.
I look forward to working with you and your precious little bundle.